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Students from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign participated in the "Global Classroom Summer Program" at Zhejiang University

Release : International Campus, Zhejiang University Updated: 2024-06-07 13:56

On May 20th, 22 students from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign(UIUC) arrived at the International Campus, Zhejiang University. Together with 8 students from the Zhejiang University, they embarked on a 14-day study journey named the "Global Classroom Summer Program.


The "Global Classroom Summer Program" is an initiative program launched in 2024,which originated from Engineering orientation course (ENG 100 - Engineering Orientation) at ZJU-UIUC Institute since 2020.  Each year, over 400 freshmen from UIUC and Zhejiang University join together in this classroom to focus on cutting-edge engineering technologies and engage in online discussions.

This program with the focus on "sustainable development" has been incorporated into the engineering curriculum. It integrates theoretical knowledge with practical applications in economics, environment, and society, emphasizing practical experience. Students are encouraged to gain insights from both local and global perspectives, deepen their understanding of international sustainable development practices and standards, and apply concepts to real-world scenarios. This program also marks the first time that students from both universities have engaged form online to onsite interaction.

Throughout the past 2 weeks, they attended engineering lectures and interdisciplinary seminars, delving into cutting-edge research and innovative technologies, exploring intersections of business, technology, and globalization, which broadening their academic perspectives. They also visited Chinese enterprises, to learn about their innovative technologies, sustainable practices, and global strategies. Additionally, they toured historical and cultural sights, experienced local customs and traditions, immersing themselves in the beauty of traditional Chinese culture.

At the closing ceremony, the program director delivered a concluding speech, stating, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The successful implementation of this program would not have been possible without the efforts by both universities, and we look forward to more collaborations in the future."


Student representatives from both China and the United States shared their experiences. They expressed, "Throughout the entire 14 days spent with American classmates, I have been inspired by their enthusiasm to motivate others, their proactive attitude, and their passion for sports." Another student added, "I immersed myself in Chinese culture, and felt the warm hospitality of the Chinese people. I will recommend the Global Classroom Program to more friends."